Case Results

Parental Alienation and Child Custody Modification

September 2024

We recently helped a father regain his custodial rights to his child. Despite having a child custody order that provided him with joint custody and an alternating weekly visitation schedule, the mother embarked on a 2 year campaign to alienate the child by placing him in fear of his father. The mother even went so far as to take the child to a therapist where the child repeated the allegations that the mother had coached the child to say. After a 2 day trial, the judge found the mother in contempt of court , ordered her to pay the father's attorney fees, and reinstated the father's visitation. Our client is now in the process of rebuilding his relationship with child.

Practice area(s): Child Custody

Court: Cleveland County

Regina Taylor

I decided become a lawyer when I was in the fourth grade when I saw a lawyer on television.