If you're about to get divorced and are relying on having enough money to be self-sufficient when all's said and done, it might be in your best interests to make sure your assets are divided fairly. Yet if your spouse has been in control of your finances for the duration of your marriage, how can you really know what assets you have? Here are five things to look out for that might signal your spouse is concealing assets right before your divorce.
Increased Travel
Has your spouse been making frequent trips out of the country, particularly to places where there are less strict banking regulations? While it's not a guarantee that they are hiding money from you, if it's a new behavior that has come up just since the divorce, it's something to pay attention to.
Big Ticket Items
Buying expensive jewelry, clothing, or other large items that can be sold later is an indication that there might be some hidden money. Imagine if during the divorce, your spouse gets possession of all of the “toys” he or she bought. They can then benefit either from owning the items themselves or could sell them for a huge profit.
Your Money Is a Secret
Do you feel like you have a good idea of the state of your finances? If not, it might be that your spouse is intentionally hiding information from you. If you're not fully aware of all of your assets, there's no way you'd be able to account for an equitable division during a divorce. This tactic would certainly pay off during a settlement.
Things Just Don't Add Up
If your spouse told you they either lost their job entirely or lost part of their income, but your lifestyle has stayed the same, something might not be adding up. Sometimes individuals will lie about the true nature of their income in an attempt to hide it away before a divorce. If things just don't make sense, it might be something to keep your eye on.
You Get Less Mail
This might seem innocent enough, but if your bills and bank statements stop arriving at your house, there's a chance that your spouse has opened a post office box specifically for financial purposes. He or she might intend on keeping as much information from you as possible before a divorce.
If you've noticed behavior like this in your marriage and are concerned about your spouse concealing assets, it's best to talk with a divorce attorney. Contact our office today to get the support you need in obtaining a fair settlement.
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